Papers Presented in Scientific Meetings with Refereed Proceedings (1992-1995)
Page 1 (2008-2017)
Page 2 (1996-2007)
Page 3 (1992-1995)
16. D.C. Joy, S. Luo, R. Gauvin, P. Hovington and N. Evans (1995), "Electron Stopping Powers - A Progress Report", Scanning, Vol. 17, P. 13. Paper presented at the conference Scanning 95 which was held in Monterey, CA, USA, from March 27-30.
15. J. R. Lowney, G.W. Banke, R. Gauvin, D. Howitt, D.C. Joy, J. Nunn, Z. Radzimski et R. Sartore (1995), "Workshop Report 2: Monte Carlo Models for Predicting Edge Positions From Scanning Electron Microscope Signals", Proceedings of the 29th annual conference of the Microbeam Analysis Society, pp. 341-342. Paper presented at this conference which was held in Breckenridge, CO, USA, from August 6-11.
14. P. Hovington, D. Drouin, R. Gauvin, D. C. Joy, S. Luo and N. Evans (1995), “Exploring the Possibilities of Low Energy SEM with a Specialized Monte Carlo Program”, Proceedings of the 29th annual conference of the Microbeam Analysis Society, pp. 351-352. Paper presented at this conference which was held in Breckenridge, CO, USA, from August 6-11.
13. R. Gauvin, D. Drouin and P. Hovington (1994), “Application of Monte Carlo Simulations for Practical and New Problems in Electron Microscopy”. Proceedings of the 21th annual conference of the Microscopical Society of Canada, pp. 10-11. This conference was held in Montréal, Canada from June 12-14.
12. P. Hovington, D. Drouin, R. Gauvin and D.C. Joy (1994), “Quantification at Low Energy: The Need for Specialized Monte Carlo Programs”, Proceedings of the 21th annual conference of the Microscopical Society of Canada, pp. 18-19. This conference was held in Montréal, Canada from June 12-14.
11. D. Drouin, P. Hovington, R. Gauvin and D.C. Joy (1994), “New Generation of Monte Carlo Program: Simulation of SEM Screen Images”, Proceedings of the 21th annual conference of the Microscopical Society of Canada, pp. 108-109. This conference was held in Montréal from June 12 to 14 1994.
10. F. Dossou and R. Gauvin (1994), “The Mechanical Properties of 6061/Al2O3/10-20p, Related by Fractal Dimension of Fracture Surfaces”, Proceedings of the 21th annual conference of the Microscopical Society of Canada, pp. 106-107. This conference was held in Montréal from June 12-14.
9. R. Gauvin and M. Brouillette (1994), “Shock Wave Compaction of TiAl”, Proceedings of the 7th Canadian Symposium or Aerospace Structure and Materials, pp. 145- 149. This conference was held in Winnipeg, Canada, from May 2-4.
8. R. Gauvin and D. Drouin (1993), “Fractal Analysis in Electron Microscopy”, Fractals in the Natural and Applied Sciences, IFIPR Transactions A-41, M.M. Novak ed., Elsevier Science, pp. 129-137. Proceedings of the scientific conference Fractal 93 which was held in London, UK, from September 7-10.
7. R. Gauvin, M.-A. Bernier, D.C. Joy and M. Schmidt (1993), “Characterization of Microstructural Evolution of TiAl during Mechanical Alloying”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Structural Applications of Mechanical Alloying, pp. 93-100. This conference was organized by the American Society of Metals and was held in Vancouver, Canada, from September 20-22.
6. R. Gauvin, N. Legros, M.-A. Bernier, D.C. Joy and M. Schmidt (1993), “Mechanical Alloying of TiAl: Preliminary Results”. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Developments and Applications of New Ceramics and Metal Alloys, pp. 413-422. This paper was presented at the 32nd annual conference of the Canadian Institute of Metallurgy which was held in Québec City, Canada from August 28 to September 2.
5. R. Gauvin and D. Drouin (1993), “The Transaction Between Persistent and Random Walk Process to Describe Electron Scattering in Solids: A Status Report”, Microbeam Analysis, Vol. 2, pp. S19 - S20. Paper presented at the 27th annual conference of the Microbeam Analysis Society, MAS, which was held in Los Angeles, CA, USA, from July 11-16.
4. R. Gauvin and D. Drouin (1993), “Multifractal Behavior of the Effect of Fast Secondary Electrons on Spatial Resolution of X-ray Microanalysis in the TEM”, Microbeam Analysis, Vol. 2, pp. S228 -S229. Paper presented at the 27th annual conference of the Microbeam Analysis Society, MAS, which was held in Los Angeles, CA, USA, from July 11-16.
3. R. Gauvin and D. Drouin (1993), “Comparison between Several Methods to Compute the Fractal - Dimension of Electron Trajectories in Solids”, Proceedings of the 20th annual conference of the Microscopical Society of Canada, pp. 92-93. This conference was held in Toronto, Canada, from June 3-5.
2. R. Gauvin and D. Drouin (1992), “A Simple Formula for Total Elastic Mott Cross Sections”, Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, pp. 1644-1645. This conference was held in Boston, MA, USA, from August 16-21.
1. R. Gauvin, G. L'Espérance (1992), “The Measurement of Inner-Shell Ionization Cross-Sections by Electron Impact in a TEM”, Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, pp. 1266-1267. This conference was held in Boston, MA, USA, from August 16-21.