Distinguished Publications in Scientific Journals and Conference Proceedings
S. Cluseau, N. Piché, M. Strauss and R. Gauvin (2022), “Workflow Automation of SEM Grid Acquisitions for Nanoparticle Analysis”, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 28 (Supp. 3), p. 790 - 791. Second Price for Best Poster in Analytical Science. Portland, OR, USA, July 31 - August 4.
Y. Yuan and R. Gauvin (2020), “X-Ray Fluorescence Corrections with Monte Carlo Simulations”, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26 (Supp. 2), p. 500 - 501. Cosslett Award for Best Invited Speaker Presentation at Microscopy & Microanalysis, Milwaukee, WI, USA, August 2 - 7.
S. Bessette, M. Golozar, P. Hovington, R. Gauvin and K. Zaghib (2019), “Ga FIB/TOF-SIMS analysis of lithium materials”, Paper presented at the European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS) 16th Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis, Trondheim, Norway, May 19 – 23. Recipient of a travel bursary from the Canadian Foundation for the Development of Microscopy (CFDM).
M. Golozar, H. Demers, R. Gauvin and K. Zaghib (2019), “In situ SEM study of lithium metal batteries”, Paper presented at the European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS) 16th Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis, Trondheim, Norway, May 19 – 23. Paper selected for the Young scientists' session. On the 50 students that presented a poster, 6 were selected for this Prestigious Oral Presentation.
Q. Stoyel, F. Voisard, N. Brodusch, G. Demopoulos and R. Gauvin (2018), “Methods for Simulation of Electron Energy Loss Spectra for Low Energy Edges in Battery Materials”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 24 (S1), pp. 440-441. Microscopy & Microanalysis 2018, Baltimore, MD, USA, August 5 - 9. 2018 M&M Student Scholar Award.
Y. Yuan, H. Demers and R. Gauvin (2018), “3D Secondary Fluorescence Correction for Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis”, ibid pp. 778-779. 2018 M&M Student Scholar Award.
F. Voisard, N. Brodusch, M. L. Trudeau, H. Demers, K. Zaghib and R. Gauvin (2018) “EELS Analysis of Bulk Plasmon at 30 keV”, ibid, pp. 464-465. 2018 M&M Student Scholar Award.
F. Voisard, H. Demers, M. L. Trudeau, G. P. Demopoulos, R. Gauvin and K. Zaghib (2017), "Dose - Management Strategies for TEM Investigation of Lithium-Based Materials for Battery Applications", Proceedings of EMAS 2017 and IUMAS-7 Meeting, pp. 307-308. EMAS 2017 - 15th European Workshop on MODERN DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLICATIONS IN MICROBEAM ANALYSIS and IUMAS-7 Meeting, Konstanz, Germany, May 7 - 11. EMAS Scholarship to attend the event.
S. Rudinsky, A. S. Sanz and R. Gauvin (2017), "Simulations of Electron-Specimen Interactions in Electron Microscopy using quantum Trajectories", Proceedings of EMAS 2017 and IUMAS-7 Meeting, pp. 299-300. EMAS 2017 - 15th European Workshop on MODERN DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLICATIONS IN MICROBEAM ANALYSIS and IUMAS-7 Meeting, Konstanz, Germany, May 7 - 11. EMAS Scholarship to attend the event.
C. Teng, H. Demers, N. Brodusch, K. Waters and R. Gauvin (2016) “X-ray Microanalysis Phase Map on Rare Earth Minerals with a Conventional and an Annular Silicon Drift Detector”, Early Career Scholar, paper presented at the Electron Probe Microanalysis Topical Conference (EPMA 2016) organized by the Microanalysis Society of America (MAS). University of Wisconsin - Madison, WI, USA, May 16-19.
S. Rudinsky, A. Sanz and R. Gauvin (2016), “Near-field electron diffraction through a crystalline material using Bohmian mechanics”, Poster award, International meeting of atomic and molecular physics and chemistry (IMAMPC), Le Havre, France, June 27 – 30.
C. Teng, H. Demers, N. Brodusch, K. Waters and R. Gauvin (2016), “X-ray Microanalysis Phase Map on Rare Earth Minerals with a Conventional and an Annular Silicon Drift Detector”, 2016 M&M Student Meeting Award sponsored by the Microscopy Society of America (MSA) and the Microanalysis Society of America (MAS), paper presented at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Conference, Columbus, USA, July 24 – 28. Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 (S3), pp. 96 - 97.
S. Kaboli, H. Demers, N. Brodusch and R. Gauvin (2015), "Electron Chanelling Contrast Reconstruction with Electron Backscattered diffraction", Young Scientist Award, European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS) 2015 - 14th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis, Portoroz, Slovenia, May 3 – 7, p. 319.
S. Kaboli, H. Demers, N. Brodusch and R. Gauvin (2014), “Electron Channelling Contrast Observations in Deformed Magnesium Alloys”, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16 (Supp. 3), p. 1452 - 1453. IUMAS Early Career Scholars. Hartford, CO, USA, August 2 - 7.
F. Voizard, H. Demers and R. Gauvin (2014), “Electron tomography with Monte Carlo Simulations”, MAS Distinguished Scholar Award, at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Conference, Hartford, CO, USA. August 3 to 8.
M. Gallaugher, N. Brodusch, R. Gauvin and R. R. Chromik (2014), “Magnetic Domain Structure and Crystal Orientation Revealed by a Forescatter Detector and Electron Backscatter Diffraction”, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16 (Supp. 3), p. 1458 - 1459. Gerald T. Simon Award from the Microscopical Society of Canada for Best Student Paper in Materials Science. Hartford, CO, USA, August 2 - 7.
4. Y. Zhang, N. Brodusch, J. M. Shockley, R. Gauvin and R. R. Chromik (2014), “Sliding-induced Microstructure of Cold-Sprayed Copper Coating Observed by Electron Channelling Contrast Imaging”, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16 (Supp. 3), p. 2104 – 2105. First Poster Award for best poster in Instrumentation. Hartford, CO, USA, August 2 - 7.
M. Attarian Shandiz, F. Salvat and R. Gauvin (2014), “Combination of Density Functional Theory Calculations with Monte Carlo Methods for the Simulation of Electron Energy Loss spectra”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials Modeling, pp. 317 – 318. Psi-k scholarship, Nantes, France, July 2 - 9.
M. Attarian Shandiz, F. Salvat and R. Gauvin (2014), “EELS and XANES simulations for Li2MnSiO4 and Li2FeSiO4 cathodes for Li-ion batteries”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Olivines for Rechargeable Batteries, p. 112. Best poster awards, 2th place, Montreal, Canada, May 25 – 28.
S. Kaboli, H. Demers, N. Brodusch and R. Gauvin, “Sputter-Induced Topography on Magnesium During Ion Beam Milling Surface Preparation”, Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA, August 4-Aug 8, 2013. “First Poster Award” for best poster in Instrumentation.
Best Paper in Instrumentation published in the Journal Microscopy and Microanalysis in 2013. N. Brodusch, H. Demers and R. Gauvin (2013), “Dark-Field Imaging of Thin Specimens with a Forescatter Electron Detector”, Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 19, No. 06, pp. 1688 – 1697.
S. Kaboli, P. T. Pinard, J. Su, S. Yue and R Gauvin, “Electron channeling contrast observations in deformed Mg alloys prepared with ion milling”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS), June 2013. “Young Scientists Prize” for best presentation, European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS) award.
S. Kaboli, H. Demers, N. Brodusch and R. Gauvin, “Sputter-Induced Topography on Magnesium During Ion Beam Milling Surface Preparation”, Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA, August 4-Aug 8, 2013. “First Poster Award” for best poster in Instrumentation.
R. Ivanov, J. Boselli, D. Denzer, D. Larouche, R. Gauvin, M. Brochu (2012), “Hardening potential of an Al-Cu-Li Friction Stir Weld”, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA-13), pp. 659 – 664. Best student paper. Pittsburg, PA, USA, June 4 – 8.
P. T. Pinnard, H. Demers, F. Salvat and R. Gauvin (2010), “An API/GUI for Monte Carlo Simulations of EPMA using PENELOPPE”, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16 (Supp.2), p. 280-281. MAS Distinguished Student Award and Gerard T. Simon Award from the Microscopical society of Canada, Portland, OR, USA, August 1-5.
J-F Le Berre, G.P. Demopoulos and R. Gauvin (2007) “Charging Effects on the Spectral Quality of X-ray Microanalysis Using the VP-SEM”, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13 (Supp.2), p. 1478-1479, MAS Distinguished Student Award, Fort-Lauderdale, FL, USA, August 5-9.
H. Demers and R. Gauvin (2007), “A General X-ray Fluorescence Correction for Electron Microanalysis by Monte Carlo Simulations”, ibid, MAS Distinguished Student Award and of the Castaing Award for Best Student Paper, p. 1392
J.-F. Le Berre, R. Gauvin and G.P. Demopoulos (2006), “Performance of X-ray Microanalysis in the Variable Pressure or Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope”, Microscopy & Microanalysis, 12 (Supp.2), p.1492, MAS Distinguished Student Award, Chicago, USA, July 29-August 4.
D. Poirier, R. A. L. Drew and R. Gauvin (2006), “X-Ray Microanalysis of Porous Materials using Monte Carlo Simulations”, ibid, MAS Distinguished Student Award, pp. 852-853.
C. Probst, R. A. L. Drew and R. Gauvin (2006), “Low Voltage Imaging of Carbon Nanotubes with Tin-Palladium Particles Using STEM Detector in a FE-SEM”, ibid, MAS Distinguished Student Award, pp. 1440-1441.
J.-F. Le Berre, G.P. Demopoulos and R. Gauvin (2005), “Charging: A Limitation to Perform X-ray Microanalysis in the Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope”, Microscopy & Microanalysis, 11 (Supp.2), p. 1298, MAS Distinguished Student Award, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 31 – August 4.
K. Robertson, P. Horny, M. Pekguleryuz and R. Gauvin (2005), “Analysis of Al – Mg Diffusion Couples”, EMAS 2005 Award, 9th European Workshop, May 22 to 26, 2005, p. 237.
P. Horny, E. Lifshin and R. Gauvin (2005), “A New Method for Quantitative Microanalysis with a Scanning Electron Microscope”, EMAS 2005 Award, ibid, p. 285.
P. Horny and R. Gauvin (2004), “Theoretical Effect of Thin Films on the detectability of Elements”, Microscopy & Microanalysis, 10 (Supp. 2), p. 100, MAS Distinguished Student Award, Savannah, GA, USA, August 1-5.
H. Demers, D.C. Joy, I. Anderson, E. Kenik and R. Gauvin (2004), “A Comparison of Micro calorimeter and Conventional EDS”, ibid, MAS Distinguished Student Award, p. 106-107.
P. Horny, E. Lifshin, D. Wu and R. Gauvin, (2002), “Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis with a Low Voltage Scanning Electron Microscope”, Microscopy & Microanalysis, 7 (Supp. 2), pp. MAS Distinguished Student Award, Québec City, August 4-8.
K. Robertson, J. Finch and R. Gauvin (2002), “Charge Contrast Imaging of Gibbsite in the Variable pressure SEM”, ibid. MAS Distinguished Student Award.
H. Demers and R. Gauvin (2001), “The Effect of Charging on Electron Diffusion in Solids”, Microscopy & Microanalysis, Vol. 7, Supp. 2, pp. 668 – 669. MSA Presidential Student Award.
P. Horny, D. Drouin, R. Gauvin and G. Botton (2001), “Characterization of Phase Transformation by FE-SEM and FE-TEM Analysis”, ibid. pp. 490 – 491. MAS Distinguished Student Award.
H. Demers and R. Gauvin (2000), “A New Parameterization of Mott Scattering Cross-Sections for Monte Carlo Simulations”, Microscopy & Microanalysis, Vol. 6, Supp. 2, pp. 926-927. Paper presented at the conference Microscopy & Microanalysis 2000 which was held in Philadelphia, PA, USA, from August 13 to 17, 2000. Winner of a MAS Distinguished Student Award.
P. Horny, R. Gauvin, P. Hovington, S. Besner, (1999), “Simulation of Energy Deposition in E-Beam Irradiated Polymers”, Microscopy & Microanalysis, Vol. 5, Supp. 2, pp. 606 – 607. Paper presented at the conference Microscopy & Microanalysis 99 which was held in Portland, Oregon, USA, from August 1 to 5 1999. Winner of a MAS Distinguished Student Award.
D. Drouin, R. Gauvin and J. Beauvais (1997), "Visualizing Sub-Micron Buried Metal Line in VLSI Devices Using a SEM". Microscopy & Microanalysis, Vol. 3, Supp. 2, pp. 499-500. Paper presented at the conference Microscopy & Microanalysis '97 which was held in Cleveland, Ohio, from August 10 to 14, 1997. Winner of a MAS Distinguished Student Award.
D. Drouin, P. Hovington and R. Gauvin (1996), "How to Get the Most of a SEM Using the CASINO Monte Carlo Program", Microscopy and Microanalysis, pp. 148-149. Paper presented at the joint annual conference MSA/MAS/SMC held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, from August 11 au 15, 1996. Winner of a MAS Distinguished Student Award and of the Castaing Award for Best Student Paper.
P. Hovington, R. Gauvin, D. Drouin and D.C. Joy (1995), "X-ray Analysis with the help of a Monte Carlo Program", Microbeam Analysis, pp. 219-220. Paper presented at the 29th annual conference of the Microbeam Analysis Society, MAS, which was held in Breckenridge, CO, USA, from August 6 to 11 1995. Winner of an Award for Best Student Paper and of a MAS Distinguished Student Award.
D. Drouin, P. Hovington and R. Gauvin (1995), "Monte Carlo Studies of the Effect of FSE on Backscattered and Secondary Edges Images", Microbeam Analysis, pp. 361-362. Paper presented at the 29th annual conference of the Microbeam Analysis Society, MAS, which was held in Breckenridge, CO, USA, from August 6 to 11 1995. Winner of a MAS Distinguished Student Award.
P. Hovington, D. Drouin, R. Gauvin and D.C. Joy (1994), “Development of a Monte Carlo Program for Low-Energy Work”, Scanning, Vol. 16, Supp. IV, pp. 60-61. Best Paper Presented in a Talk by a Student at the conference Scanning 94 which was held in Charleston, S.C., USA, from May 17 to 20 1994.
D. Drouin, P. Hovington, R. Gauvin and D.C. Joy (1994). "Simulation of SEM Screen Image by a Monte Carlo Method", Scanning, Vol. 16, Supp. IV, pp. 97-98. Best Poster Presented by a Student at the conference Scanning 94 which was held in Charleston, S.C., USA, from May 17 to 20 1994.
R. Gauvin, D. Drouin and P. Hovington (1994), "The Use of Fractal Analysis to Relate the Bethe Range to the Diffusion Depth of Electrons into Solids", Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, ICEM 13, pp. 107-108. Winner of the Young Promising Microscopist Award at the 13th International Congress on Electron Microscopy which was held in Paris from July 17 to 22, 1994.
P. Hovington, D. Drouin, R. Gauvin and D.C. Joy (1994), "Development of Specialized Techniques for the Analysis at Low Energy", Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, ICEM 13, pp. 105-106. Poster Selected for Oral Presentation at the 13th International Congress on Electron Microscopy which was held in Paris from July 17 to 22, 1994.
R. Gauvin and G. L'Espérance (1989), “The Effect of Fast Secondary Electrons on KAB Factors and Spatial Resolution”, Microbeam Analysis, pp. 527- 530. Casting Award for Best Student Paper presented at the 24th annual conference of the Microbeam Analysis Society, MAS, which was held in Asheville, NC, USA, from July 16 to 21 1989. Winner of a MAS Distinguished Student Award.
R. Gauvin, G. L'Espérance and G. Kennedy, "On the Computation of KAB Factors for K Lines", Microbeam Analysis, 1988, pp. 57-59. Winner of a MAS Distinguished Student Award at the 23rd annual conference of the Microbeam Analysis Society, MAS, which was held in Milwaukee, WS, USA, from August 8 to 12, 1988.