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Monte Carlo programs

MC X-Ray

MC X-Ray is a new Monte Carlo program that is an extension of the Monte Carlo programs Casino and Win X-Ray since it computes the complete x-ray spectra from the simulation of electron scattering in solids of various types of geometries. MC X-Ray allows up to 256 different regions in the materials having shape of spheres, cylinders and combinations of horizontal and vertical planes. All these regions can have a different composition. This program was written by Pierre Michaud under the supervision of Pr. Gauvin. Dr. Hendrix Demers improved and validated the x-ray spectrum computation of MC X-Ray. Recently, MCXRay was integrated in the 3D processing platform Dragonfly (ORS, Montréal, QC, Canada) and is now 100 to 1000 faster than the original program!


Authors: Raynald Gauvin, Pierre Michaud and Hendrix Demers.



  • 3D sample and complex geometry

  • Bright-field, dark-field, and high angle annular dark-field detectors

  • 3D results calculation

  • Display electron trajectories

  • Electron and energy distribution at the specimen surfaces

  • Transmitted electrons distribution

  • Energy loss distribution

  • X-ray spectrum


To download MC X-Ray, please click on the button on the right. Unzip the folder, and enjoy!

(It cannot be downloaded on the mobile version of the website).


Win X-Ray

This program is a Monte Carlo simulation of electron trajectory in solid. This new Monte Carlo programs, Ray, is a extension of the well known Monte Carlo program CASINO, which includes statistical distributions for the backscattered electrons, trapped electrons, energy loss and phi rho z curves for X-ray. The new added features in Ray are: the complete simulation of the X-ray spectrum, the charging effect for insulating specimen.


Authors: H. Demers, P. Horny, R. Gauvin and E. Lifshin.



  • Display electron trajectories

  • Backscattered electron distributions

  • Absorbed electron distributions

  • Energy loss distributions

  • Characteristic X-rays

  • Bremsstrahlung X-rays

  • X-ray spectrum

  • Can simulate non-conductive specimen



The world-famous CASINO, where CASINO stands for "monte CArlo SImulation of electroN trajectory in sOlids". Prof. Gauvin initiated the first version with his graduate students (Pierre Hovington, Dominique Drouin) at the time he was at Sherbrooke University. The program was and still is, since then, being maintained and improved by Dominique Drouin from Sherbrooke University and Hendrix Demers from the Institut de Recherche d'Hydro-Québec (IREQ). Note that version 3.3 allows the use of complex geometries including many different feature shapes as compared to version 2.5 which only provides homogeneous samples or grain boundary/multi-layered samples. While version 2.5 generates φρz curves, version 3.3 doesn't but the generation of secondary electrons is included in this version.


Authors: R. Gauvin, D. Drouin, P. Hovington, H. Demers.



  • Display electron trajectories

  • Backscattered electron distributions

  • Absorbed electron distributions

  • Energy distributions

  • φρz curves

  • Fast simulations

  • Angular detector for backscattered and transmitted electrons (version 3.3)

  • Complex beam parameters (version 3.3)

  • Complex geometries (version 3.3)

  • Secondary electron generation (version 3.3)

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