Microscopy and Microanalysis 2018
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
August 5 - 9 2018
Prof. Gauvin will be session chair of The Joy of Scanning Electron Microscopy, part of the Analytical Science Symposia.
Three of Prof. Gauvin's students will be receiving the M&M Student Scholar Prize (see down below for the papers and the students' names).
Low Voltage Analytical Possibilities in a Scanning Electron Microscope in Transmission Mode at 30 kV: EDS, EELS and CBED at the Nanoscale; R Gauvin, N Brodusch; McGill University, Canada, H Demers; Hydro-Quebec Research Center, Canada
The Joy of Nanoscale Imaging and Spectroscopy in a Low Accelerating Voltage Scanning Transmitted Electron Microscope; H Demers; Hydro-Québec, Canada, N Brodusch, R Gauvin; McGill University, Canada, ML Trudeau, K Zaghib; Hydro-Québec, Canada
(M&M Student Scholar) Secondary Fluorescence Correction of 3D Heterogeneous Materials for Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis; Y Yuan; McGill University, Canada, H Demers; Hydro-Quebec’s Research Institute, Canada, R Gauvin; McGill University, Canada
The Standard-Based f-ratio Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis Method for a Field Emission SEM; C Teng, H Demers, R Gauvin; McGill University, Canada
Monte Carlo Simulation of Surface Semi-Spherical Inclusions Using MC X-Ray; S Rudinsky, N Brodusch, R Gauvin; McGill University, Canada
Exit-Wave Reconstruction and Phase Analysis Using a Hitachi SU9000 FE-SEM; S Rudinsky, R Gauvin; McGill University, Canada
(M&M Student Scholar) EELS Analysis of Bulk Plasmon Harmonics of Aluminium at 30 keV; F Voisard; Université Mcgill, Canada, N Brodusch; McGill University, Canada, ML Trudeau; Hydro- Québec Research Institute, Canada, H Demers, K Zaghib; Hydro-Quebec, Canada, R Gauvin; McGill University, Canada
(M&M Student Scholar) Methods for Simulation of Electron Energy Loss Spectra for Low Energy Edges in Battery Materials; Q Stoyel, F Voisard, N Brodusch, GP Demopoulos, R Gauvin; McGill University, Canada
Annual Conference of the Electron Microscopy Society of India
Bubaneswar, India
July 18-20 2018
Prof. Gauvin is invited as a Keynote Speaker to this conference.
R. Gauvin and N. Brodusch (2018), “Analytical STEM at 30 keV”, Keynote Speaker, 39th Annual Conference of the Electron Microscopy society of India, July 18 -20, Bhubaneswar, India.
19th International Microscopy Congress
Sydney, Australia
September 9 - 14
Prof. Gauvin is invited as a Session Chair at this conference.
R. Gauvin and N. Brodusch (2018), “Analytical STEM at 30 keV”, Session Chair at the 19th International Microscopy Congress, Sydney, Australia, September 9 - 14.
NANO Science and Technology Conference
Berlin, Germany
September 9 - 14
Prof. Gauvin is invited as a Keynote Speaker at this conference.
R. Gauvin and N. Brodusch (2018), “Analytical STEM at 30 keV”, Keynote Speaker, 8th Nano Science and Technology Conference, October 24 -26, Berlin, Germany.