Past students - Alumni
Here are a few of Prof. Raynald Gauvin's past students:
Wei Bin, Ph.D., (2016) Post Doctoral student
Muhammad Atarian Shandiz, Ph.D., (2015) Post Doctoral student.
Shirin Kaboli, Ph.D., (2015) Post Doctoral student.
Camille Probst, Ph.D., (2011) Post Doctoral student.
Philippe Pinnard, M. Ing. (2010) Ph.D. Student Aachen University, Germany.
Hendrix Demers Ph.D. (2008), Research Associate, McGill University.
Dominique Poirier Ph.D. (2009), Researcher, Institute of Industrial Materials, Boucherville, QC.
Jennifer Cocle, M. Ing. (2008), Researcher, IREQ, Varennes, QC.
Jean-Francois Leberre Ph.D. (2007), Researcher, Paprican, Montreal, QC.
Paula Horny, Ph.D. (2005), Professor, CEGEP de Limoilou, QC.
Dominique Drouin, Ph.D. (1998), Professor, University of Sherbrooke, QC.
Pierre Hovington Ph.D. (1997), Researcher, IREQ, Varennes, QC.
Camille Probst, Jean-François Leberre, Philippe Pinnard, Hendrix Demers, Prof. Raynald Gauvin, Dominique Poirier, Jennifer Cocle and Paula Horny at the 2006 Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference held in Chicago.