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Twenty major publications

  1. M. Attarian Shandiz and R. Gauvin (2016), "Application of machine learning methods for the prediction of crystal system of cathode materials in lithium-ion batteries", Computational Materials Science, Vol. 117, pp. 270-278

  2. R. Gauvin and S. Rudznsky (2016), “A Universal Equation for Computing the Beam Broadening of Incidents Electrons in Thin Films”, Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 167, pp. 21-30

  3. P. Hovington, V. Timoshevskii, S. Burgess, H. Demers, P. Statham, R. Gauvin and K. Zaghib (2016), "Can we detect Li K X-ray in lithium compounds using energy dispersive spectroscopy?", Scanning, early view (online on feb. 3, 2016)

  4. M. Attarian Shandiz, M. J.-F. Guinel, R. Gauvin (2016), “Monte Carlo simulation of the fine structure of the energy-loss near-edge structure (ELNES)”,  Microscopy & Microanalysis, Vol. 22(1), pp. 219-229

  5. X. Lu, H.J. Wei, H.C. Chui, , R. Gauvin, P. Hovington, A. Guerfi, K. Zaghib and G.P. Demopoulos (2015), "Rate-dependent phase transitions in Li2FeSiO4 cathode nanocrystals", Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, A.N. 8599

  6. S. Kaboli, H. Demers, N. Brodusch and R. Gauvin (2015), “Rotation Contour Contrast Reconstruction using EBSD in a Scanning Electron Microscope”, Journal of Applied Crystallography, Vol. 48, pp. 776-785. 

  7. N. Brodusch, K. Zaghib and R. Gauvin (2014), “Electron Backscatter Diffraction Applied to Lithium Sheets Prepared by Broad Ion Beam Milling”, Microscopy Research and Technique, Vol. 78, No. 1, pp. 30-39

  8. N. Brodusch, H. Demers and R. Gauvin (2014), “Dark-Field Imaging Based on Post-Processed Electron Backscatter Diffraction Patterns of Bulk Crystalline Materials in a Scanning Electron Microscope”,  Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 148, pp. 123-131

  9. M. J.-F. Guinel, N. Brodusch, G. Sha, M. A. Shandiz, H. Demers, M. L. Trudeau, S. P. Ringer & R. Gauvin (2014), “Microscopy and Microanalysis of Complex Nanosized Strengthening Precipitates in New Generation Commercial Al-Cu-Li Alloys”, Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 255, No. 3, pp. 128 – 137

  10. S. K. Das, N. Brodusch, R. Gauvin and I.-H. Jung (2014), “Grain boundary diffusion of Al in Mg”,  Scripta Materialia, Vol. 80, pp. 41-44.

  11. N. Brodusch, H. Demers and R. Gauvin (2013), “Dark-Field Imaging of Thin Specimens with a Forescatter Electron Detector at Low Accelerating Voltage”, Microscopy and Microanalysis,  Vol.  19, No. 06, pp. 1688 – 1697

  12. M. J.-F., Guinel, N. Brodusch, Y. Verde-Gomez, B. Escobar-Morales and R. Gauvin (2013), “Multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated by platinum catalyst nanoparticles-Examination and microanalysis using scanning and transmission electron microscopies”, Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 252, No. 1, pp. 49 – 57.

  13. N. Brodusch, H. Demers, R. Gauvin (2013), “Nanometers-Resolution Kikuchi Patterns with Transmission Electron Forward Scatter Diffraction in the SEM”, Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 250, No. 1, pp. 1–14.

  14. N. Brodush, M. L. Trudeau, P. Michaud, L. Rodrigue, J. Boselli, R. Gauvin (2012), “ Contribution of a New Generation FE-SEM in the Understanding of a 2099 Al-Li alloy”, Microscopy & Microanalysis, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 1393-1409.

  15. R. Gauvin (2012), “What remains to be done to allow Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis to become a Characterization Technique used with every EDS Spectra Acquired?”, Invited Paper, Microscopy & Microanalysis, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 915 - 940.

  16. D. Poirier and R. Gauvin (2011), “ X-Ray Microanalysis of Porous Materials”, Scanning, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 126 – 134.

  17. D. Drouin, A. R. Couture, D. Joly, X. Tastet, V. Aimez and R. Gauvin (2007), “CASINO – V2.42 –A Fast and Easy to Use Modeling Tool for Scanning Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis Users”, Scanning, 29 (3), pp. 92-101.

  18. P. Hovington, D. Drouin and R. Gauvin (1997), “Casino: A New Era of Monte Carlo Code in C Language for Electron Beam Interaction, Part I: Description of the Program”, Scanning, Vol.19, pp. 1-14.

  19. D. Drouin, P. Hovington and R. Gauvin (1997), “Casino: A New Era of Monte Carlo Code in C Language for Electron Beam Interaction, Part II: Tabulated Values of Mott Cross Sections”, Scanning, Vol.19,  pp. 20-28

  20. P. Hovington, D. Drouin, R. Gauvin, D. C. Joy and N. Evans (1997), “Casino: A New Era of Monte Carlo Code in C Language for Electron Beam Interaction, Part III: Stopping Power at Low Energy”, Scanning, Vol.19, pp. 29-35.

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